Unique homework help Fri, 22 Oct 2021 13:47:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 Research on Importance of Homework Fri, 22 Oct 2021 13:46:58 +0000 Homework practice is still in use since today’s teachers and parents grew up doing them. However, arguments pop up every time in every American household questioning the effectiveness or workability of homework. Many argue that homework causes excessive stress among kids making it banned in grades below seventh. All this happens in the mid-century. But in our today’s world, students get heavy loads of homework. Students spend twice as much time on homework when you compare them to their predecessors back in the 90s. To add more to it, little kids have to carry homework with them as they go back home. Researchers believe this should not be the case.

Little kids today spend an average of about 25 minutes doing their homework at night. Education centers, together with some parents, see this as a draining factor. They are planning to either reduce the load or completely do away with the issue of homework. Despite all these efforts, they cannot lack pushbacks. Many institutions are reviewing the matter, stating that it is high time they get to revise the issue.

An excellent example is in Hillsborough, California. It is a district that is a suburb of San Fransisco, and it has varying measures. It hosts a middle school and three elementary schools work on a policy, which allows kids have enough time to spend on play and family. Nevertheless, they demand that homework should be at least “meaningful.” As for the due dates that fall after a break or a weekend, they do not issue out homework.

At first, challenges arise in this kind of policy. Teachers who are familiar with the traditional methods have a hard time readjusting. On the other hand, the expectations of the parents become an issue. On the bright side, as time goes by, you get to realize that it is okay for grade 2 learners not to have an hour of homework.

As you move to the second year, the policy begins to run smoothly as everybody is in line. Basing the research on conversations the teachers have with parents, they realize that the stress level among the students reduces. The students’ performance also improves as you notice this from the standardized test they do.

Somerville district, Massachusetts, works on reducing the amount of homework they give both elementary and middle schoolers. Some parents argue that homework aids in strengthening their relationships with their children. However, others may not feel the same since they argue that they already have a perfect connection with their kids.

At this point, we should rethink once more on the amount of homework necessary for our kids. In the same breadth, we should know the kind of homework to give students. The quantity of work should not determine the effectiveness of the work. You may be asking what amount is enough. As a teacher, assign less of it on a regular basis but not daily. Speak to your students about the importance of assignments and how it will boost their memory,

Students should not see homework as punishment. Take the work seriously; take a short time doing it before connecting back with siblings and parents. Make meaningful decisions!

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Tips for Effective Self-Learning Mathematics Fri, 22 Oct 2021 13:45:06 +0000 Teaching yourself mathematics from home is difficult. In as much as it is an intellectual journey, it is also emotional. Many people begin this journey but drop along the way. Mathematics is a subject that you may wish to study further. People consider this path to be tortuous with long hours and low pay. A more pragmatic way of doing mathematics is by finding the time and learning it every day. In this way, you will reconnect with it more as you know new things on a daily. 

Why Should you Learn Mathematics?

If you still love solving problems and puzzling, then we can conclude that you love mathematics. These activities are suitable as they will give you a dopamine hit. In learning this subject, you slowly come from saying Mathematics is hard to it becoming easy. As you continue learning, you climb up the ladder to solving more complex problems. It rewards when you have patience, creativity, and persistence in learning it. Happiness is when you break down the impossible problems making them possible. It is profoundly enriching and satisfying, making the impossible possible due to ingenuity and hard work. 

You should know that the mathematics you will get exposed to at the university level differs from what you learned in high school—the focus shifts from revolving on rote composition to reasoning, deduction, and logic. 

Right Book and Courses to Use

As you grow into a great self-learner, it is vital to pick exercises and solutions books. After some time, you can change to using books without explanations and exercises. In the beginning stage, you require feedback so that you can learn from your mistakes. By following this tip, you will move forward any time you get stuck.

The books that you might pick might vary from those you could have been using at the University. Lean towards books that have better motivation, exposition, and examples. It would be helpful if you did not go for the kindle version of the books but stick to the print since a few of the kindle books may contain display and formatting errors resulting from the conversion to digital format. As a result, you will notice that the mistakes contribute to the bad review of some best books on Amazon. 


Assuming that high school is the last level of your mathematics, here are the books that can help you. 

The Art Of Problem Solving: It is a good starter book. You start with Volume 1, then go to Volume 2.

Mathematics for Nonmathematician: It has a handful of light exercises. It is suitable for leisure read and has a historical view.

Concepts of Modern Mathematics: Unlike the Mathematics for Nonmathematicians, this book will provide a modern perspective. The book does not have exercises, but it will motivate you to read other related books.

Book of Proof: Just like the name suggests, it is a pretty little proofs book. It is not lengthy and has enough exercises. It has a gentle way of taking you through an introduction to proofs.

All in all, you should do regular exercise, take breaks from studying and all will be good. Alternate between more accessible and complex books. All the best in your learning!

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How to Reduce the Negativity That Comes with Homework Fri, 22 Oct 2021 13:44:14 +0000 Some schools are on the brink of doing away with homework. The trend is worrying to many parents as they have big dreams for their kids. They believe that issuing homework contributes to their kid getting acceptance from major universities like Harvard. Research has it that elimination of assignment may be of more good than harm. What factor are they using to determine this? The answer is simple, educational equity. Here, we look at the welfare of all sorts of students.

Many may think that this is a new debate, but the elimination of homework has been in existence. The education pendulum now swings back and forth in finding a better ground between eliminating homework or not.

Homework highlighting inequality

We often forget how homework affects students from less affluent families. Children from wealthy families are most likely to have all the resources they require to study. These resources include internet connections, dedicated study areas, computers, and educated parents. Their parents are more likely to assist them in doing tricky assignments. On the other hand, the different sets of kids may have afterschool tasks waiting for them to do. Their parents may also not be at home, leaving them unsupervised. The reasons for their absence might be the fact that they work multiple jobs to make ends meet.

Students from more affluent homes most likely engage in sports or other recreational activities when they finish school hours. The same group of students is also more likely to get additional tutoring outside class. However, the different sets of students head home immediately after school. They have jobs waiting for them, such as taking care of their younger siblings. When we add homework to these tasks, they have a lot on their hands.

Apart from the logical points, homework can lead to stress and impact physical health negatively. The issue may be of greater significance to the less fortunate children than their more affluent counterparts. We can conclude that issuing excess homework is damaging to both parties. The conclusion leads us to the following query, how much homework is enough?

Quantity of homework that is enough

After thorough research, the National Parent Teacher Association and the National Education Association agree that students should spend ten minutes per grade level per night. What does this mean? First-grade students should have ten-minute homework as the second-grade kids do twenty minutes and so on. Following the studies, students get more homework than that they require. As the figures add up as we move up the grades, sixth-grade children have an hour every night of homework. It is higher than the average, which should be six and eight tenths’ hours of homework per week. Another thing is that these figures do not put into consideration the disadvantaged kids.

Homework being a task to complete after school hours, it should not take much time for the students to rest.

The help teachers can offer

It is the responsibility of educators, teachers, and parents to help their children find an appropriate balance. These sectors should meet and have constructive conversations to help solve the homework issue.

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Steps to Studying Mathematics Properly Fri, 30 Apr 2021 10:22:00 +0000 Most learners around the globe hate math because it is complicated. Most students who do not perform well in math get stressed and depressed while in school. You have the hardest time when it comes to doing assignments or even tests. The subject is boring to them, and it is difficult for them to understand the concepts. There is no way a student can escape math because it is a vital subject. You can choose to love it or hate it, but you will still have to deal with it at the end of the day. There is no way you can escape mathematics because most courses have it.

If math gives you a hard time in school, you have a chance to change that and become better. If you are ready to sacrifice your time and work harder, nothing will be hard for you. Most learners have a negative attitude towards the subject because they have not taken their time to look into it properly. The moment you understand all the formulas and concepts, math will be one of your favorite subjects. There are several tips that you have to follow for you to excel in mathematics. Another thing you have to remember is that practice makes perfect. You have to practice harder each day, and you will be good at it.


It is the first thing you have to consider if you want to pass in mathematics. Most students assume this advice and, in the end, regret it. Mathematics requires one to solve different problems every day because there is no way you can memorize them. Understanding each concept requires time which is why you need to practice. When you practice regularly, it is easy to work on your mistakes and become better. Even if you are good at math and fail to practice, your grades will deteriorate because it will be easy for you to forget and make silly mistakes.

You will have to take plenty of time to solve different problems because math has numerous basics. If you perform poorly in mathematics, the only way you can get better is by practicing and doing thorough revision. Different revision books can be of great help to you. When your instructor gives you an assignment, ensure that you complete it without fail. It doesn’t matter if it is too little or too much. Ensure that you finish your assignments. When you take your math homework seriously, you will easily understand the formulas and concepts. Most learners take their assignments seriously only when they get extra points that will boost their grades. You have to change your mindset and work on your assignments at all times, whether you will get something or not.

Taking Notes

When you attend any math class, ensure that you write your notes. Write every point the professor says if you want to be on the safe side. Never depend on your classmates’ notes at all times because it will be hard for you to understand the points, or you will end up writing the wrong things. When you organize your notes properly, you will have an easier time when reading or revising. When you jot your notes neatly, you will have the psyche to review them. You also have to be attentive in class so that you listen to every explanation.

Asking for Help

There is no way you can understand all the math concepts at all times without getting help. You have to be confident enough to ask without hesitating whenever you encounter any problem. If you remain silent with a problem, you will be spoiling your chances of becoming a pro in mathematics. If you hesitate and the teacher moves on to a different topic, you will have difficulty catching up. You can consult the teacher at any time, and you will get the help that you deserve. In mathematics, the topics are related to one another. Ensure that you understand all of them.

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Paying Someone to Do My Assignment Fri, 30 Apr 2021 10:12:57 +0000 University and college is a time in life that you will find your interests and passions and execute them. The idea of learning past high school is usually based on learning and knowledge, and students in this category have total control of all the learning aspects. They’ll have to decide on the area for their studies, their environment, and the kind of causes they choose to do.

Students have got various ways of combatting the large workload then they get even as assignments in school, and they go to some lengths to make their experience and life in school easier. Some tend to work together with other classmates and come up with sessions for standing, while Sam may arrange some time for seeing their professors while others said schedules for standing and doing their assignments. In the present world, most people are well versed with technology, and I resourceful in finding out the ways to do their jobs faster. Most students tend to share their assignments or notes. Some students even pay other people to do assignments or homework on some websites in today’s world.

Is paying to get homework done good or bad?

Understanding the University’s life means understanding the number of assignments they need to complete to succeed and balance their lives. But some individuals have got their skills and time to cope with this, but Sam always needs help. Sometimes the lecturers may give out too many assignments, and some students find that the assignments they get given fail to teach them a new aspect or anything.

The good

  • Students can manage their levels of stress if they control the workload that they have.
  • High scores will get registered.
  • Several students will guess to graduate.
  • Students will spend more time in their social work than assignments.

Having to pay someone to finish up your homework will benefit a student in a lot of ways. It will give them enough time to focus on their mental health, finances, social health, hobbies, and physical health. They will then lead a happier life and lifestyle.

The bad

  • It is considered cheating
  • Other students may see it as an unfair challenge
  • The students will hardly practice or land the materials
  • The students will not have their work as their original thoughts.

We can generate a long list by listing the bad about paying someone to do your homework. Some of the consequences include having to pay some heavy consequences, especially if you get caught with plagiarism. That would result in you getting a 0, or some institutions may even expel you. Other than the consequences you may face, you’ll find that the material or homework you have done through somebody else will not be the elements you have been practicing or learning. It also defeats your purpose to go to the University to study if you can’t handle all the workload in your way. 

Is paying for homework worth it?

The answer to that question depends entirely on the individual that you ask. To some degree, it is worth it because the price that you pay to have your Peace of Mind may be a little bit costly, but it is important to have mental health in check. Several students should be crushed down by the vast amount of assignments they get given by their lecturers. They miss keeping some assignments or paying somebody to assist them in managing there alone. You won’t have a price tag all your mental health, and therefore, if it is something that you find hard to cope with, you can pay somebody to do your homework.

The issue of time also comes up when doing homework. Most students tended to fall behind schedule and failed to catch up with the deadlines. Sometimes it can be because of illnesses uh you might have critical projects that are on their way, and therefore we will focus a lot of their time on them, which makes painful the homework to get done by somebody else a better option.  That gives the act of paying someone to assist you in doing your homework the upper hand. You will need enough to stress about your assignments or the time you invest in doing that homework because somebody out there is already looking for a job to help you finish it smoothly. 

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8 Effective Ways to Study Psychology Fri, 30 Apr 2021 10:11:44 +0000 Psychology is becoming one of the preferred courses for most students across the globe. The course entails vast materials and requires absolute dedication to your books. So, how can students cope with this while having a normal life? Below are some tips on how to learn about psychology.

Tools and resources to rely on:

  1. Books

There are numerous books out there with valuable information on how to learn about psychology. You can get such books in libraries or bookshops. If your search becomes difficult, run to the internet for a soft copy of such books. Most books are currently been uploaded on the internet for easy access. That aside, there a numerous content on psychology written by professionals in the field. Do a quick search and get reading.

  1. Psychology Websites

There are various psychology websites you can visit to learn more about the subject. A site like affords high school and college students as well as people interested in psychology to about human mind and behavior. On it, you can explore numerous contents like articles, study tips, biographies, and APA format tutorials among others. You can also explore the many other websites with great content on various aspects of psychology. Psychology Today, Psych Your Mind, and PsyBlog is just a few of them.

  1. Sign up for free online classes

Some universities offer free online classes on various subjects including psychology. Some come with a small charge for a certificate, while others are entirely free but without a certificate. With an online class, you can study on your own terms according to your chosen schedules. Also, it is a great way for students who cannot afford tuition to study their favorite course.

  1. Watch educational channels

Several fictional serial dramas currently showing on various TV channels have psychology as their base. That aside, a lot of fact-based TV programs are based on psychology. If you don’t have access to such channels, you can rely on DVDs of such programs. Examples of such programs are Discovering Psychology hosted by Philip Zimbardo and the PBS series NOVA ScienceNow by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.

  1. Online videos

Aside from watching educational TV content, watching online education content on psychology is another great way of learning about the course. If you don’t really like ready, watching and listening maybe your best option. You can take advantage of YouTube for all you need on psychology.

Aside from that watching, TED Talks is an excellent way to brainstorm on various topics including human and behavioral psychology. 

Another platform you can explore for videos is the Khan Academy, which has over 5000 videos on various educational topics. You don’t need to pay for watching.

Have you also heard of the Clip for Class website? It has various content on psychology for teachers and students seeking to have great insight into the subject.

  1. Psychology Podcasts

Listening to podcasts on psychology topics is another exciting and informative way of learning the subject. Stream the various educational podcasts using your digital device and listen on the go. It doesn’t matter where you are and what time it is, you can also have access to saved content.

  1. Use Study Guides, Quizzes, and Exams

Using study guides is always helpful in the learning process. You get to know what to learn before what, and how to go about it. After learning you can then test your knowledge through quizzes or exams.

  1. Online Psychology Labs

Gaining some knowledge on research can help you explore the various topics in psychology. Some book publishers have online psychology labs to accompany what is written in their books.

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How To Stay Focused On Homework Sun, 18 Oct 2020 19:00:08 +0000 Staying focused while doing your homework can be quite challenging and almost impossible –as there are distractions all around, aside from being stressed out after school. Concentration on anything begins with a well-coordinated mind and a relaxed brain. Some students may have other extra-curricular activities to attend to after school, e.g., those who have part-time jobs, run a business, etc. Homework is an extra burden for people in this category. After school, they go about with other businesses they have, leaving little or no time for homework not to talk of being able to focus while doing it. Those who manage to attempt their homework after that may end up dozing off or sleeping very late, which translates into going late to school the next day and dozing off in class. Although the above picture explains those who have other engagements to attend to, it does not mean that those who are not involved in this are without stress. They also have their episode of struggling to complete assignments while maintaining focus.

Firstly, have a clear plan in mind. Research has shown that those who plan activities ahead of time are more liable to do it effectively than people who do not plan properly. An adage says proper preparation prevents poor performance. Having some ideas on economics research topics helps you write a better paper. This means that a prior and orderly preparation toward an assignment will enhance the good results of your writing. You need to consider and plan your time according to a feasible frame. Set the time you will do your homework daily and stick to your plans strictly. It will also prevent you from being disorganized and help you to complete your work faster. Failure to plan is planning to fail.

Also, it would help if you ranked your priorities and put it down in a diary or journal. You must prioritize your homework–as this will help you to be focused and goal-oriented. Ranking your priorities helps you to know what truly matters and know how to focus your time, energy, and other resources on it. Your priorities must truly reflect your values. You must also understand that you may have to sacrifice some things that would not add any value to you while ranking your priorities, but in the end, it will be worth it. Not assigning time to your routine is like pouring water into a basket. You may not complete what you have set in mind or spend time on an activity too long without realizing it until the end.

An understated way to stay focused on homework is to start from the easiest to the most difficult. It gives you a chance to relax and transit to difficult ones. Starting from the most challenging question can wear you out and discourage you from the start. Hence, you need to begin on a good note. If not, you may not like the result. Even if you do not eventually get how to solve it, you will not get frustrated and unfulfilled.

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Advantages & Disadvantages Of Homework Thu, 01 Oct 2020 09:25:45 +0000 To some students, the word ‘homework’ is the worst nightmare ever. To a few others, it is an opportunity to explore their creative ability. Nothing on this earth exists without an advantage and a disadvantage. The subject of homework has been a hot topic to debate. Students do not want homework because it wears them out and competes with their free and resting time. It is worthy of note that homework as a concept started as a punishment for those who refuse to be active and conforming in class, but gradually became adopted by all and sundry. Some people think that homework is an effective way to reinforce what was taught in class; others think it is the worst punishment ever. Both parties are not totally wrong, as there is an iota of truth in both arguments. A minimal quantity of personalized and effective homework should reinforce what was taught in the classroom.

One of the advantages of homework is that–it imbibes discipline in the behavior of the student. Homework takes a lot of hard work and commitment on the part of the student. Frankly, it is a difficult task to take on after a long day at school. Arranging to complete your assignment regularly builds discipline that cannot be taken away from you. Discipline is an essential character that determines the extent to which one can maintain a successful position. Building this character early is better than later as it helps you to build integrity among people you have lived, schooled, and related with. It is easier to get a recommendation when you already have a name.

Secondly, homework gives parents the privilege to get involved in their child’s developmental process. Many parents feel guilty about not being able to contribute to their child’s academic learning process. Hence, this is a great opportunity for them to be involved. It also helps the student to learn how to manage their time properly from a young age. Parents also get to communicate with their children, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and help them make the right decisions when the time comes for them to choose a career path. Planning and allocating time to different activities regularly becomes a culture they will eventually cherish later in life. Students also learn how to solve problems by thinking critically when they choose a helper to do my homework online, and they tend to make better decisions in life than those who never complete their homework.

Homework is not without its disadvantages; this includes robbing children of their playtime and enough rest. Playing less can affect a child’s mental balance and crumble a child’s social life. It could also lead to obesity in extreme cases. This is because the child may have to stay indoors all day after school and get hungry quickly–children always want to satisfy their stomach and may not have time to exercise, causing obesity. Also, there is no substantial evidence that academic achievement is directly linked to doing homework.

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